Monthly TBR #13

 I have already read three books for the month. two were ARCs; Forced Autonomy and Incubus. The third was Throne of Glass- the first book for the 2014 A-Z Challenge. And I am currently reading another ARC for review by Alyssa Rose Ivy's Shaken Not Stirred. Will be done with it by tonight. I want to read Rat and Charlie Chan as I should have read them by now. Sadly, I wasn't able to get round to them. I owuld like to read The Archived this year so I can read The Unbound as soon as it hits shelves this January. Also, I need to get on the Naughts and Crosses bandwagon. 

Also, I am not participating in Bout of Books 9.0. It started today. Good Luck to everyone who is participating.

Happy Reading.
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