May is upon us. Say what?!? Anyway, so I read four books which ain't that bad considering. But I'am a bit sad that I didn't put that many posts and reviews out. :/ Gonna remedy t soon. *fingers crossed*
Here's the month's reading breakdown..
I read Sarah Rees Brennan's retelling of A Tale of Cities

. I haven't read the original but that wouldn't have really helped me in liking this book I didn't really connect with the whole world and the storyline. Sorry I still have to review this one I just dunno how to do that with more words than I .Just.Didn't.Really.Like.It. The review will come don't worry. This book

was actually quite good It was funny. I quite liked it. But that's just it. I think it wasn't really up my alley with all the shenanigans. Otherwise me like.
You guys knows how I love the Blackthorn series by Lindsay J. Pryor.

is out in the world. It was freaking fab. I will talk more about it's fabulousness and well Lindsay's fabulousness in the review.
I was adamant on reading

before the movie came out The not having to watch the trailer made me finally get on with my reading it and finishing it. I still haven't seen the trailer, though. LOL. It was really good. I am soo excited for the movie.
That is all. :)
Reviewed Titles:
The Girl in the Well is Me