REVIEW | Christie Barlow's The Misadventures of a Playground Mother
Not being a playground mother I couldn't really relate to it.. And having not read the first book I didn't know this was a follow up o_O..
Penelope sure did boil my blood. I have had my fair share of non genuine friends and I could certainly relate to Rachel for that..
The book was somewhat funny but I was bored for the most part and didn't really care..
I was hoping this was going to be more funny or maybe not being a playground mother I couldn't connect..
You may enjoy it as it's chic-lit at its (women) best.. *winks*

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this reviewing opportunity.
About Christie:
Christie Barlow the author of A Year in the Life of a Playground Mother decided to teach her children a valuable life lesson and show them that they are capable of achieving their dreams. She is just a Mum who wrote a book to prove to her children whatever you want to do in life go for it. The book she wrote to prove a point is now an Amazon #1 bestseller in the UK and USA.