Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone

I read its prequel when it was featured in Fierce Reads Anthology and I had liked it okay.
Anyway, the minute I began reading the book, i kept on reading and reading even though I should have gone to bed-- I also had a headache but I still read this awesome book.
It was told from Alina's point of view with the prologue and epilogue in the third person narrative. The world shown is dark. There are these people with magical powers and they are divided.
At the beginning of the book there is the whole list- the highest rank goes to the Darkling- he wears black- he is the only one. Alina and Mal have been best-friends since childhood- both orphans- both have each other's backs. I sooo loved them together and otherwise. I loved the Fold and those dark creatures. Btw, i was totally rooting for Darkling, hahah. But then Mal was just Mal. I still have to see what happens in the next book so I am not choosing a team as of yet.
What this book told me (among other things)- we know how there always two meanings behind every little action or quote or whatever. I know now never to go for the surface meaning and choosing the second meaning. Hahaha. Like nowadays, in uni, I have learned the same thing. LOL. These can be contradictory situations, though. D: And you guys don't know what I am rambling about. Teheh.
Anyway, the way Alina realized what he was actually saying was eye-opening. I did think that one scene by the lake was too sudden and I didn't really like it so I was glad to know when Alina found out. But you know I still think he (the ones who have read the book know who I am talking about) did want those other things but he did feel things. Hmmm. But he was cruel.
I loved how fast-paced this book was along-with how everything was kept interesting. Some scenes will make your heart go like noo (in a good way, sometimes lol). This book was awesooommmeee. In short, I absolutely loved the book and I think you ought to read it, too.
Hope you enjoy it as well. Oh, I love the covers in this trilogy. Another plus.
Happy Reading.