Monthly TBR #25
Need to finish all three of these books so I can complete three series. D: Woot.
And Fish Out of Water is a review book that I need to read and review before its release in February.
I had forgotten that I had recieved The Iron Jawed Boy and I need to read and review. Hopefully this month I can.
*new releases and/or spontaneous ones.
And Fish Out of Water is a review book that I need to read and review before its release in February.
I had forgotten that I had recieved The Iron Jawed Boy and I need to read and review. Hopefully this month I can.
*new releases and/or spontaneous ones.
Bout of Books 11.0 is also happening starting Jan 5. Don't really know if I will be participating or not.
Updated to add a few more books. Teheh. And I am not participating in Bout of Books 11.
Updated to add a few more books. Teheh. And I am not participating in Bout of Books 11.