Review | Karen Rivers' THE GIRL IN THE WELL IS ME

The Girl in the Well Is Me I have avoided middle grade books since Harry Potter after not having a good experience with a couple of them. The most recent being Shannon Messenger's middle garde.. I will  be giving that a second shot soon cos my experience with The Girl in the Well in Me was quite a good one.

The Girl in the Well in Me had a really interesting narrator. The entirety of the book took place in the well with our protagonist contemplating and let's say seeing her life flash by. Everything from A-Z with how she got herself into her current predicament..

She deals with her being in the well, with why her family moved here--everything.

I loved her voice and her story but I still don't think I loved the book more than my fair share of liking it. :)

""Stop yelling!" yells Kandy, appearing, her teeth shining like tiny flashlights. We ARE helping. DUH!" She's starting to sound a whole lot less caring and a whole bunch more annoyed, like this is something I've done to her, like I've really inconvenienced her. My insides curl up and pinch."
"I can see your teeth!" I yell.
"No kidding," she says, and disappears again." 

Thanks to NetGalley and Algonquin Young Readers for this review copy.


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