
Read in Sep '13
Read for Review

This was another book I was given the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review by the Gr Group Shut Up & Read.

Surprisingly, I  found the book really good. My interest was piqued right from the moment I read that first line. The book was told form Sylvie's perspective. We would get glimpses of Sylvie in someone else's body and then it would go back to the present. An intriguing start that led to more interesting scenarios along with some fun moments.Sylvie was such a fun perspective to read from. This book was realistic, unique what with astral projections, I seriously thought what she was experiencing was because she had some supernatural powers so I really liked this scientific aspect. It wasn't all about astral projections. It had all that boy and (girl)friend trouble. Although it was annoying that Sylvie couldn't see Nelson in front of her but well, we all are stupid that way. So can't really blame her. Also, I liked how this book was real. When Cassie found out about why and how she ended where she wasn't supposed I really liked her reaction. This is how I would have reacted. I liked the pacing in this. I liked the characters. I liked everything. So, what I am saying is I really enjoyed reading it.

Totally Recommended.


Happy Reading.
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P.S. Paperback Cover:

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