Wings - Mighty Good

I liked the book that much that I picked up the sequel and have started reading it already. I didn't feel attached to Laurel, though. I liked the idea of her wings. Her Blossom. It was pretty. So beautifully described. I would like a movie for this just to see her wings. The faeries being plants was a little weird and new for me although I'm getting used to it now. ^_^ The blossom portion ended too quickly. I liked the ending to the book. I liked Tamani's name (weird, huh?) Tamani being in love with her was apparent. Her attachment with David (like they hardly knew each other) at the beginning was disconcerting as she felt it with Tamani (with good reason), too. Tamani seemed desperate, though. <_<

Four categories of Faeries were mentioned in the book; according to seasons, which was cool. I liked Chelsea although she wasn't in the book that much. The next book looks good as Laurel has to attend the Faerie Land academy, that would be good as I want to see the Faerie Land! The book was written with third person perspective (or as I like to call it- the outsider perspective :p) I kept reading the book without stopping.

I didn't think I would like the book as the cover didn't really do it for me. Although I get the cover now... The reason that it has three more books and is the no. 1 New York Times bestselling debut book is adamant of the fact that it does have something good in it. People who like faeries will like it, perhaps. +_+

This is my goodreads review.

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