Review: Eric Stephenson's THEY'RE NOT LIKE US

They're Not Like Us #1 by Eric Stephenson

 I had a hard time reading They're Not Like Us. Firstly due to the art. It was annoying. Secondly, because of the storyline, it is one that has been used a lot-- people with special abilities. Thirdly, because of the characters, they were annoying. Fourthly, because of the art. I know I have said this before but seriously, the art was so distracting and bad and god.. ugly. 

Then I seriously wasn't interested to know what was happening or what would happen or what did happen. Like this is a graphic novel and I skipped pages. Like hullo, I shouldn't want to in a graphic novel at least.. It's already soo short.

What I did like about TANLU were the underlying messages and the quotes after each section. And I liked how the lead made that decision and set the path for the upcoming instalments. :P

So, I am not going to read the other volumes cos NOT INTERESTED. Sorry. Not Sorry. *shrugs*


Thanks to Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors for this read.

See here for my goodreads thoughts right after I finished it.

Byee then...
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