Monthly Wrap-Up #12

Btw, I have been going for the whole month with June plastered for the July TBR. Gosh. I have been so out of it. I didn't know that. Anyway, I think I am done for the monthly reading as far as July is concerned so I will just wrap it up. Also, that means no Teaser Tuesday post as not reading anything at the mo'.

Proof I was out of sorts. Gah!!! This should have been July.

So, I participated in the 30 Day and the BookTubeAThon Reading Challenge this month and I think they did nothing for my reading speeds LOL. I was out of it. 

Out of the 18 books I had set myself to read (most were for the challenges)- I managed to read only 4 out of those. Such shame. Anyway, I made up for the missed page counts by reading other books. I got to read 12 books in total. 

Oh yeah, I only read one of the books from the planned weekend TBR. In total I read 3 books for the weekend. One was a novella.

I heard two audiobooks (the ones I finished listening to) this month and I really enjoyed the experience of an audiobook. Ok, I will just get to books I got to read for the month of July.

I started the month by finishing A Game of Thrones and The Firebird- the last books I read for the 30 Day Reading Challenge. I loved both of these books. I relived the first Game of Thrones Season by reading the books and I was pissed at the Lannisters and Sansa all over again. =p I love Arya in the show and I loved to read from her POV. I didn't like Khaleesi in the first season, I didn't like her in the book. They have made the season so close to the book it is just amazing. I gave the book 5 stars, no surprise there. 

The Firebird was a very interesting read that had me right at the first paragraph. I did get bored during the first historical endevour when Anna was young as I only wanted to find more about the main protagonist's story. Anyway, that all changed when Anna went to live as the mistress. I gave it 4 stars. This was my first Susana Kearsley and dare I say I loved it and will be reading more stuff by her for sure. 

The next two books were read for the BookTubeAThon- The Raven Boys and The Hobbit. I loved listening to TRB's audiobook with Will Patton as the narrator and am patiently waiting for the next book in the series. I gave this 5 stars. Whereas, I didn't quite enjoy reading the latter as much as I had enjoyed watching the movie. I gave The Hobbit 3 stars as it was difficukt for me to read it just generally. 

I then listened to Will Grayson,Will Grayson's audiobook and I really enjoyed it. This was so unexpectedly smile worthy. I went in without really knowing the story, y'know. Anyway, I think I liked the second Will more or maybe I liked that narrator (Macleod Andrews) more. I gave it 4 stars. I might be reviewing this later on.

Over the weekend I read Chosen at Nightfall- the final book in The Shadowfal series- woohoo. Along with that I read the novella Saved at Sunrise. I enjoyed the final book but I would give it 4.5ish stars but 5 stars to the whole series. They are good for light reading as they are full of drama, angst, betrayel, romance, supernatural stuff and what not. I didn't quite love the novella, Saved at Sunrise- gave it 3 stars but it wa good nonetheless, I think. I am excited for the new spinoff series form Della's POV though. And Saved at Sunrise gave us that glimpse into her head. I will be reviewing these beauties later on.

I don't quite remember when I read this, it wa either mid Juky or something but I also read The Arrangement 3 by H.M. Ward this month. I am kinda pissed with Avery. Sean is baaad news.  I gave it 2 stars. I can't believe the series is still going. The 9th book just released. I want Holly to get back to the YA stuff specifically the last Demon Kissed book. Gah!

Another book I read over the weekend was Angel of Mercy. I was so frustrated with that ending, seriously. Gah! Read my short burst, here.

Yesterday, I read two books: 20 Years Later by Emma Newman and Before You Go by James Preller. I was kinda expecting something different  from 20 Years Later so I didn't quite enjoy the book. I kinda guessed what was happening. Anyway, gave it two stars. Whereas, I really enjoyed reading Before You Go. I will be reviewing the latter later on. I gave it 4 stars on goodreads.

The last book for the month of July (if I don't finish another by midnight) is the Lucky Fools. I enjoyed this book. It was an easy read. I gave it four stars.

These were the books I managed to actually complete rather than leave hanging. Thumbs up to me.

What books did you guys read for the month? Lemme know.

Happy Reading.
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