Review: Stephanie Perkins' Isla and the Happily Ever After

Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss, #3)
The final companion novel, Isla and the Happily Ever After, to the trio that began back in 2010 with Anna and the French Kiss was a read that began with my wariness to absolutely loving this book because of certain things.

I read the sequel, Lola and the Boy Next Door, before I ventured into Anna's world in AatFK. And fell in love with Ms. Perkins.

My love for the series goes as such:

Anna > Lola > Isla

I thought I would love Josh a lot. But I believe he didn't win me over. I love Cricket and hence Lola comes in second in this companion trilogy. I love Anna and Etienne both. And Isla cos of this thing. You will know soon. Keep reading. Thank you. :p

I had read the excerpt release for IatHEA when they were released and it had immensely gotten me excited for this final chapter. 

When I started reading this instalment and the whole 'relationship' began I was like meh.. That was for half of the book already. Then that fight happened and I liked that fight and all that critical review of  the graphic(al) autobiography. 

Anyway, the book was a 3-3.5 star rating at that point. When did the book began to be an almost 5 star for me, you wonder?! It was when Isla had that conversation with her sister and her ex-best friend. 

Isla is just like me, I felt at that point when she was being constructively analysed (you  know) by her friend and sister, too I am always harsh on myself. I can easily forgive others but not myself. That internal monologue she had. It rang true to my soul, so bad. And that was when the book got more, much more for me. 

If I hadn't felt that  connection with Isla at that breakthrough point for Isla I wouldn't have loved and given this book a five star rating... Well, 4.75 stars to be exact.

I enjoyed the cameos at the end freaking much. I wonder what this book was like before it got  pushed back. Hmm.


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