Weekend Fave(s) #2

In this feature, I will pick my favorite from the books I read over the weekend. They can be from as many books I have been able to read over the weekend.

This weekend I read Over You by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus, City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare, My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins Series) by Sylvia McDaniel and The Hollow by Jessica Verday.

From now on, I will post the image for the winner of my weekend fave only. This time the decision is a little difficult to make as I didn't absolutely love any of these reads. I only really liked them or liked them.

I think City of Ashes and The Hollow are in a tie. But when I finished reading The Hollow, I was immediately curious about the other book in the series. So I guess the winner is

The book is full of the Sleepy Hollow legend. We have our main lead, Abbey, who is grieving the loss of her best friend, Kristen–who went missing a while back. She then befalls upon the company of a mysterious boy, Caspian and the gatekeeper, Nikolas(and his wife) of the cemetery where she used to go with her best friend a lot. She is infatuated with the tale of the headless man– in short, the legend of Sleepy Hollow plus Washington Irving. She knew something was wrong with Caspian but when she found out what she totally lost it. I felt so sad for her. I am very curious about the next book now. Will be reading it soon.

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